Secondary School Teachers' Classroom Management Practices: Their Implications for the Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students


  • Al-Rashiff H. Mastul
  • Kaberl O. Hajilan, Prof. Dr. Mindanao State University Tawi-Tawi College of Technology and Oceanography, Bongao, Tawi-Tawi, Philippines


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Secondary school teachers، Academic performance، Classroom management


It was observed that there is poor or low performance level of secondary students in almost all subject areas in the Municipality of Simunul which could have resulted from some socio-economic factors within the teachers, themselves and their classroom management practices.  The current study explores the link between classroom management practices and the academic performance by getting the responses of the teacher respondents and the Second Grading GPA of Grade 10 students as the main sources of data used for statistical treatment. This study aimed to determine the classroom management practices of secondary teachers in Simunul and their implications for the academic performance of Grade 10 students. There were 78 teachers who were taken as respondents of the study, coming from eight secondary schools in Simunul. A descriptive survey design with quantitative data was used to determine the classroom management practices of secondary school teachers. It was also used to determine if there were significant differences in their practices by gender, age, and educational attainment, length of service, monthly income, and number of children. Statistical tools used were percentage distribution, correlation, and mean score. To determine significant differences in the responses used was Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The study revealed that the respondents comprised mostly of females, the biggest number were aged 46 years and above, and most experienced.  As to educational attainment most of them had baccalaureate degrees and the biggest number with 21 years in service.  More than half who have monthly income ranging from seventeen thousand to twenty two thousand. The biggest number of responses in terms of number of children is under the bracket ranging from zero to three. The teachers’ perceptions with regard to the concept of classroom management as measured by instructional management scale, there were three statements indicating “strong agree” ratings as the most prevailing classroom management practices.  The average mean score indicated “agree,” meaning the teachers tend to observe more of instructional management than behavioral management since behavioral management indicated only two statements “strongly agree” ratings as the most prevailing practices. This means that teachers are responsible for directing and controlling the students’ behavior. The average mean score is lesser than Instructional Management Scale. Hence, the teachers less practice behavioral management as compared to instructional management.  On the other hand, the demographic variables don’t significantly influence both behavioral and instructional management practices except monthly income which has a significant relationship only to instructional management practices. However, by combining the Instructional Management Scale and Behavioral Management Scale only monthly income showed a significant relationship, which means only the monthly income of the respondents is significantly related to the “teachers’ classroom management practices” as measured by both Instructional and Behavioral Management Scales. Furthermore, the Instructional and Behavioral Management Scales are not significantly related to the academic performance of Grade 10 students.  Finally, the eight secondary schools in Simunul have no significant different in their responses on the twelve statements of Instructional Management Scale and twelve statements of Behavioral Management Scale.  Hence, both were in complete agreement. From the results of the study, the conclusion is drawn that the economic status of the teachers significantly influenced their classroom management practices as measured by the Instructional Management Scale. However, the classroom management practices have no significant relationship to the academic performance of Grade 10 students of the high schools in Simunul.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Mastul, A.-R. H., & Hajilan, K. O. (2017). Secondary School Teachers’ Classroom Management Practices: Their Implications for the Academic Performance of Grade 10 Students. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 6(3), 558–583.


