The Impact of Health Care Service Quality on Disabilities Patients' Satisfaction Case Study: ARAB CITY FOR COMPREHENSIVE CARE


  • Aysar Mohammad Khashman World Islamic Sciences and Education University (W.I.S.E), Amman, Jordan
  • Moayad Hussein AlObaidi Arab City of Comprehnsive care (ACCC), Amman, Jordan
  • Aahmad Hussein Fadli World Islamic Sciences and Education University (W.I.S.E), Amman, Jordan


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Quality، Service Quality، Patients Satisfaction، Healthcare Service، SERVQUAL


The methods of measuring service quality and the dimensions of service quality have become a major area in literature during the previous few decades and Patients satisfaction is one of the most important indicators to determine the level of service quality provided by the healthcare service providers, Due to this idea, this study came to examine the impact of the service quality on disabilities patients satisfaction in the Arab City of Comprehensive Care in Jordan. This study indicates that disabilities patients’ satisfaction is influenced by eight common SERVQUAL dimensions which is Reliability, Accessibility, Competence, Understanding/Knowing the patients, Responsiveness, Assurance, Tangibility, Empathy,is proposed to strengthen the relationship of SERVQUAL Dimensions with patientssatisfaction. The units of analysis of this study are individuals that attend to Arab City for Comprehensive Care in Jordan. Multiple regression analysis was employed to test the impact of service quality on patients satisfaction.The study findings revealed a positive relationship between healthcare service quality and overall patients satisfaction, and this study indicated that service quality is an important precedent of patients satisfaction, also It is apparent from the present study that managers and decision makers in Arab City for Comprehensive Care in Jordan are seeking to improve the elements of service quality that make the most significant contributions on Patients satisfaction.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Khashman, A. M., AlObaidi, M. H., & Fadli, A. H. (2017). The Impact of Health Care Service Quality on Disabilities Patients’ Satisfaction Case Study: ARAB CITY FOR COMPREHENSIVE CARE. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 5(4), 566–579.


