The impact of Business Ethics on the management of human resources in the business organization


  • Keltouma Boufatah, Dr. Univeristy of Tlemcen Algeria



workers’ activities, human resources management, corporate social responsibility, business ethics


Embodied ethics behaviors take into account the non-violation of norms, standards and beliefs in society on the part as well as the laws and moral codes in force by another, and an organization can work to embody social responsibility through ethical behaviors toward human resources through various means cover the entire multiple and diverse sub-activities of the Department of Human Resources , social responsibility in business organizations is the moral commitment and responsible action at a number of parties and are stakeholders, and of the most important parties benefiting from programs of social responsibility, we find both the community and the environment, including social responsibility toward workers and include respect for labor laws, and ensure the worker's right to training and continuous training, and trade union rights, and involving them in decision-making, achieve job security and the security of work-related accidents, etc.


And it covers human resources management ethics of these emerging ethical issues about the relationship between employers and employees, such as the rights and duties owed between these not be done in isolation from SOCIAL responsibility


Then, the question is: What is the impact of business ethics and social responsibility to the human resources department? In order to delve into this subject, we decided to address the following.

 I- Theoretical framework: the management of human resources, and business ethics and social responsibility

  1. Applied framework of the research;

 Status: Aramco

Status: Sonatrach, the Algerian

Status: Sonelgaz company


Não há dados estatísticos.


Mohamed Serafi, social responsibility management, fulfillment house to a minimum printing and publishing, Alexandria, Egypt, the first edition 0.2007
Hussein Alasrj, corporate social responsibility, Journal of Development Bridge, the journal concerned with development issues in the Arab countries issued by the Arab Planning Institute in Kuwait Series, No. 90, February 2010 ,.
Star Abboud star, the ethics of management science in a changing world, the Arab Organization for Administrative Development publications (Research and Studies), without the edition number, 2006
Qutaiba Subhi Ahmed Aljer, risk management relationship with stakeholders in the organization, an exploratory study of the views of a sample of the stakeholders in the Palestine Meridien, research presented to the Department of Business Administration, College of Management and Economics, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad. Without mentioning the year,
Laith Saad Allah Hussein and Reem Saad djamil, social responsibility towards workers and its reflection on the work ethic (the study of the views of a sample of employees of some of the hospitals in the city of Mosul), a scientific research presented to the third scientific conference titled "Business organizations management: global challenges contemporary", Faculty Economics and administrative Sciences Applied Science private University, Jordan, April 27 to 29, 2009,
Dzaers site, Sonatrach publishes a blog his behavior, (20/10/2011),
Dzaers site, Sonatrach issued a code of conduct to combat corruption among its employees, (1/11/2011),
Arab Organization for Administrative Development, sustainable development and community management (future roles of central and local governments and the private sector and civil society), Action of the Fourth Arab Conference on Environmental Management Manama, Bahrain papers, without No. edition, printed without the year,
Taher Mohsin Mansoor Ghalibi and Salih Mahdi Mohsen al-Amiri, social responsibility and ethics and society), Dar Wael for Publishing, Amman, Jordan, the second edition 0.2008 official institution Sonelgaz documents HRM 2012/2013, Mohammed Sayrafi social responsibility management, fulfillment house the minimum Printing and publishing, Alexandria, Egypt, the first edition 0.2007
Hussein Alasrj, corporate social responsibility, Journal of Development Bridge, the journal concerned with development issues in the Arab countries issued by the Arab Planning Institute in Kuwait Series, No. 90, February 2010 ,.
Mohamed Serafi, social responsibility management, fulfillment house to a minimum printing and publishing, Alexandria, Egypt, the first edition 0.2007
Hussein Alasrj, corporate social responsibility, Journal of Development Bridge, the journal concerned with development issues in the Arab countries issued by the Arab Planning Institute in Kuwait Series, No. 90, February 2010 ,.
Mohamed Serafi, social responsibility management, fulfillment house to a minimum printing and publishing, Alexandria, Egypt, the first edition 0.2007
Hussein Alasrj, corporate social responsibility, Journal of Development Bridge, the journal concerned with development issues in the Arab countries issued by the Arab Planning Institute in Kuwait Series, No. 90, February 2010 ,.
Star Abboud star, the ethics of management science in a changing world, the Arab Organization for Administrative Development publications (Research and Studies), without the edition number, 2006
Qutaiba Subhi Ahmed Aljer, risk management relationship with stakeholders in the organization, an exploratory study of the views of a sample of the stakeholders in the Palestine Meridien, research presented to the Department of Business Administration, College of Management and Economics, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad. Without mentioning the year,
Mohamed Serafi, social responsibility management, fulfillment house to a minimum printing and publishing, Alexandria, Egypt, the first edition 0.2007
Hussein Alasrj, corporate social responsibility, Journal of Development Bridge, the journal concerned with development issues in the Arab countries issued by the Arab Planning Institute in Kuwait Series, No. 90, February 2010 ,.
Star Abboud star, the ethics of management science in a changing world, the Arab Organization for Administrative Development publications (Research and Studies), without the edition number, 2006
Qutaiba Subhi Ahmed Aljer, risk management relationship with stakeholders in the organization, an exploratory study of the views of a sample of the stakeholders in the Palestine Meridien, research presented to the Department of Business Administration, College of Management and Economics, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad. Without mentioning the year,
Laith Saad Allah Hussein and Reem Saad beautiful, social responsibility towards workers and its reflection on the work ethic (the study of the views of a sample of employees of some of the hospitals in the city of Mosul), a scientific research presented to the third scientific conference titled "Business organizations management: global challenges contemporary", Faculty Economics and administrative Sciences Applied Science private University, Jordan, April 27 to 29, 2009,
Dzaers site, Sonatrach publishes a blog his behavior, (20/10/2011),
Dzaers site, Sonatrach issued a code of conduct to combat corruption among its employees, (1/11/2011),
Arab Organization for Administrative Development, sustainable development and community management (future roles of central and local governments and the private sector and civil society), Action of the Fourth Arab Conference on Environmental Management Manama, Bahrain papers, without No. edition, printed without the year,
Taher Mohsin Mansoor Ghalibi and Salih Mahdi Mohsen al-Amiri, social responsibility and ethics and society), Dar Wael for Publishing, Amman, Jordan, the second edition 0.2008 official documents of the institution Sonelgaz Human Resource Management 2012/2013.





