Human capital in the economic institution between past and present -A comparative study
human capital, human resources, management, institution, approaches, systems, changesAbstract
The individual was and remains the subject of interest of many scientists and economic researchers of ancient and contemporaries, where the overwhelming majority of them considered the heart of the strategy of any state or institution and any process of productivity is difficult to copy. The human capital translates into an idea of an intangible stock available to the individual that can be synthesized or used. It consists of the sum of the productive energies generally obtained through different knowledge, whether public or performance, and all that is left out. This type of capital represents a seed, , The fruit and the end of development and the variable component of development and effective in it.
The economic schools of human capital have been given varying attention, and their differences in dealing with social and economic relations have been prominent. The working individual has been the focus of many economists, headed by Karl Marx and his famous theories in his book "Capital", in the theories of value and added value, The division of capitalist society into capitalist and labor classes, ie, the proletariat, shows how to buy and sell labor and wages, its relation to surplus capital and accumulation, and Taylor, which he considered "hands" capable of carrying out various actions, (1776), where the importance of the division of labor (the surplus of the 'market' of productivity gains (as a factor of development, the Thomas Maltas and the theory of population) (1796) was considered to be limited by rapid demography and by E. Mayo who made it And the study of Schumpeter (1911) Schumpeter, which was based not only on technical progress and the development of large knowledge or inventions, but also on the study of the social sciences, But added the role of the contractor and (1956) Solow and, Cass (1965) Koopmans (1965), who have become a framework of natural goods to reach human capital in all its components: the level of composition, experience, health, development, according to them, does not come this way, but by accumulating four main factors: technology, capital, human capital, public capital, Milton Friedman, Theodor Schultz and (Prix Nobel en 1995), along with Gary Becker, the author of the theory of human capital developed with the help of economist Jacob Mincer. His research dealt with subjects such as the effect of good and bad habits, discipline, drinking and drug use on human capital, And his role in the labor market. He took care of the role of the family in the formation of this capital, not forgetting economist R. Barre, who recognized that the problems of development in developing countries were not only economic but also related to individuals.
This type of capital was given special attention because it dealt with many of its economic and social concepts. Examples include the issue of motivation, behavior, morality, wealth and distribution, justice Social and economic rights in the sense of equality in freedom and employment, etc ... The social world Ibn Khaldun was one of the first Muslim thinkers of religion were adopted in their studies on the Koran to address several topics related to the human resource, most of which was included in his book " G Georges Marçais
"Ibn Khaldun's author is one of the most important works of human thought."
This research was based on observation, "logic with the use of" enlightenin thinking "dealt with various topics affecting the individual such as learning, composition, work and division, etc., and the most important criticism was the face of the Algerian social scientist Abdelkader Jaghloul who said that Vkraben Khaldun is located in the extension of Arab thought With the creation of a clear difference between the religious sciences based on the Koran and Sunnah and the human sciences that the individual gets by thinking.
The environment has undergone rapid and varied changes in all areas of work and life, which have had a major impact on management and hence transition from the optimal model stage to the flexible model. Most of the systems have now turned to the concept of flexibility and freedom from static templates. Renewed by the ability of enterprises to maximize the benefit of the various resources and possibilities in general, and of their human resources in particular.
In light of the rapid change and the many challenges facing the institution, especially the system of globalization, the traditional management of human resources is no longer acceptable or sufficient to achieve competitive advantage, but it is imperative for the economic institution to move its human resources in a strategic perspective to ensure its positive adaptation to the environment, Appropriate adjustments should be made to human resources strategies and policies, such as those related to wages, employment and mobility.
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