Transforming Online Negative Blogs in the Use of Credit Cards in Electronics Transactions into Constructive Action: Basis of Creating Business Spend Analyzer Model


  • Nenita B. Nagarit, DBA
  • Susana C. Bautista, EdD.
  • Ferdinand C. Somido, Dr.
  • Pedrito Jose V. Bermudo, Dr.
  • Antonio R. Yango, Dr.
  • Leomar S. Galicia, Dr.


Kata Kunci:

spend analyzer mode, electronic transactions, credit cards, negative blogs


This exploratory qualitative research aimed at combining the negative perception of cardholders to negative blogs in using a credit card purchasing power   in   order   to   develop   a   new   business   model   and   spent   analyzer, i.e., transforming   online   negative   blogs   in   the   use   of   credit   cards   in   electronic transactions   as   basis   for   creating   a   business   spend   analyzer   model. Specifically, it looked into the negative blogs posted by the credit card holders in terms of visa/master cards electronic business transactions, the analysis of negative blogs to produce a useful information for the visa and master cards holder, and the creation of business spend analyzer model. There were 1793 blogs considered and used in the study and 12 themes emerged   namely;   failure   to   transact   payments,   failure   to   reflect   payments, failure to update, failure to give discounts, no reward points,  excessive annual fees, failure to use, no cash out, too many calls, received threats, legal letters and experienced embarrassing situation. Based on the analysis of the online negative   blogs, Semantia   software   had   been   used   and   revealed   that   the sentiment analysis is .024 and generally neutral, however its neutrality tends to be more into negative   as the  number  of negative   blogs is   becoming more evident  against the positive words.   Modifying the model and removing the Acquirer entity can save the credit card holders in paying the hidden cost and can just be converted to savings. The used of spent analyzer is acceptable as it gradually allows the credit card holder to recover from the net of debt.


Data unduhan belum tersedia.


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