The Impact of the Corona (Covid-19) Pandemic on Internships of Tourism and Hospitality Students: The Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management at Yarmouk University as a Case Study


  • Marah Mohammad AlShare Department of Hotel Management, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Yarmouk University, Jordan
  • Omar A. Alananzeh Department of Hotel Management, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Yarmouk University, Jordan



Corona pandemic, internship, internship hospitality, Yarmouk University, Jordan


The current study aimed to explore the impact of the Corona pandemic (COVID-19) on the internships for students of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels Management at Yarmouk University in terms of the training environment and the skills acquired. An electronic questionnaire was distributed to the study sample of students who registered for internships in the second semester 2019/2020 and the first semester 2020/2021. The descriptive-analytical methodology was used to carry out this study, as the results of this study indicated that the training environment was safe because of increasing preventive measures due to the outbreak of the Corona pandemic. Results showed that the Corona pandemic has positively affected some of the acquired skills, such as dealing with the software available in the work area, dealing with the tools and supplies available in the work area, and the student’s self-confidence. The results also showed that the Corona pandemic did not significantly affect the number of training hours or the number of training days.


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