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Journal of Literature, Language & Culture (COES&RJ-JLLC) disseminates original and quality research in all disciplines of Literature, Language & Culture.
COES&RJ-JLLC is a double blind peer-reviewed, open access and multidisciplinary international research journal
and is published quarterly by Centre of Excellence for Scientific and Research Journalism, COES&RJ LLC.
Likely subscribers are universities, research institutions, governmental, non-governmental agencies and individual researchers.
The journal is published in printed and online versions in PDF format.
Literature of War, Fundamentals of Languages, Narrative and Memory, Thinking and Writing across the Curriculum, Literary Research Methods, Literary Discourse, Professional Writing, Conflict and Community, Home and Away: Epics and Utopias, Uncovering Fairytales, Myth, Folktales, and Ghost Stories, Studies in Trauma Literature, Creative Writing, Critical Writing, Literature of American Diversity, American Fiction, European Fiction, English Fiction, African Fiction, Asian Fiction, Chinese Fiction, The Epic Tradition, Biographic Arts, Women in Literature and Psychology, Film and Literature, Romanticism, Victorian Literature, World Literature, International Cinema, Class and Culture in Literature and Film, Music, Rebels in Literature and Music, Novel, Women's Literature, Short Story, Poetry, Drama, The Age of Chaucer, The Age of Shakespeare, Literature Theory and Practice, History of the English Language, Problems in the Study of Gender and Sexuality, Hamlet and Critical Methods, Psychoanalytic Approaches to Liter ture, India in English, Decolonizing Drama and Performance in Africa, Beckett, Assemblage, Disability Studies, Afro-American Literature, European Languages and Literature , English Languages and Literature, American Languages and Literature, Central American Languages and Literature, African Languages and Literature, Asian Languages and Literature, Seno Languages and Literature, Culture.
English is the main language of the Journal. Papers in French, German, Spanish and Arabic are also welcomed.
Journal of Literature, Language & Culture (COES&RJ-JLLC) provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Authors of articles published in the Journal of Literature, Language & Culture (COES&RJ-JLLC) remain the copyright holders and grant third parties the right to use, reproduce, and share the article according to the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported license agreement.
Here is the definition of "open access" from the
BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative):
"By 'open access' to this literature, we mean its free availability on the public internet,
permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles,
crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose,
without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself.
The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain,
should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited."
We are corporate member of Open Society Foundation and Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).
Article Submition Charges: There is no submition fee
Article Processing Charges: There is no submition fee
Printed copy of the journals Charges: Euro 25 per copy of the printed journal.
Please find payment information at:
APCs cover the following:
- The editorial procedure, including administration related to peer review, author revisions, and final decision-making. COES&RJ employs in-house staff to manage the majority of this process, leaving editorial board members to make key scientific decisions and allowing them to concentrate on their research. To demonstrate its appreciation of the important work done by reviewers and editorial board members, COES&RJ provides them with APC discounts and waivers. APCs also cover for the administrative work done for rejected articles. In 2017, COES&RJ’s rejection rate across all its journals was 59%.
- Article production: professional language editing, type-setting, formatting, and production in PDF, XML, HTML, and Epub formats.
- Article hosting and dissemination: website maintenance, contact with indexing databases.
- Journal administration: including managing the journal website and editorial board, and promotion of the journal among the research community.
The journal is published quarterly every year.
To ensure permanency of all publications, Journal of Literature, Language & Culture (COES&RJ-JLLC) utilises Portico archiving systems to create permanent archives for the purposes of preservation and restoration.
Journal of Literature, Language & Culture (COES&RJ-JLLC) content is indexed with CrossRef and assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
In addition, the journal is available for harvesting via OAI-PMH.
Journal of Literature, Language & Culture (COES&RJ-JLLC) is not indexed by your preferred service, please let us know by sending an e-mail to editor.jss@centreofexcellence.net, or by making an indexing request directly with the service. Please inform us if you do so.
Journal of Literature, Language & Culture (COES&RJ-JLLC) fully supports and encourages author self-archiving of all content.
SSOAR (Social Science Access Repository), Publon, Scilit, NCBI, Index Copernicus, IS Indexing, SPZ, NEP, Issuu, vLex, nereus, J-Gate, Scribd, RePEc, IDEAS, EDIRC, LogEC, Socionet, Citeseerx, PressPad, getCITED, Globethics, EconPapers, BaikalGlobal, IEEE-Explore, Research Bible, Google Scholar, AcademicKeys, AcademicIndex, Jour Informatics, PublishersGlobal, OCLC-WorldCat, Economists Online, Web of Knowledge, Connect Journals-India, Tudom'nyos konferenci'k, Citations in Economics (CitEc), Researcher-ID (Thomson Reuters), EndNote-Basic (Thomson Reuters), Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN), New Jour Electronic Journals & Newsletters, DRJI (Directory of Research Journals Indexing).
Complaints Policy of Journal of Literature, Language & Culture (COES&RJ-JLLC)
This statement applies about the policies, our procedures and actions about the complaints received to Journal of Journal of Literature, Language & Culture (COES&RJ-JLLC). We welcome the complaints and try our level best to solve the matters to the entire satisfaction of the authors. While on one side, we welcome any type of query or our complaints at the same time. We would like to inform our authors and readers to read and understand the instructions to the authors and the policy of the journal properly, because we will entertain only those complaints whose solutions and explanations are not given in the software of the journal.
Our Understanding about Complaints
The meaning of complaint we understand is any type of unhappiness or dissatisfaction regarding the publication and policies of the journal.
The complaint may be due to the long delay in publication or a replies related to the author.
The complaint may also be about the decision of the editorial board member or chief editor regarding the manuscripts of the author.
Sometimes, the complaints may be about the rude responses or a misjudgment of the editorial board member.
Journal of Literature, Language & Culture (COES&RJ-JLLC) is aware about the following types of complaints
Complaints from the author.
Complaints about plagiarism.
Duplicate publication or submitting the article to various journal at the same time.
Research results misappropriations.
Complaints regarding the research errors and fraud.
Violations of research standards.
Conflicts of interest.
Bias behavior of reviewers.
Editorial Complaints Policy
Our managing editors, staff and chief editors will take a prompt action on every complaint, irrespective of the authors, academicians or our readers and make their full efforts to solve and satisfy the person to their entire satisfaction. We, at the same time, do not consider every statement is a complaint but if it a healthy criticism, we thanks the person and try to improve our systems.
Policy for Handling Complaints
If the journal receives any complaints which infringes intellectual property rights or contains material, inaccuracies or unlawful material, the journal will immediately paying full attention, investigate about the various aspects of the complaint and try to solve and satisfy the complaints.
Our journal staff and editors make their full efforts to improve the quality of the journal and minimize the mistakes to zero. However, we still accept that occasionally mistakes may occur.
Guiding Principles
Although, as we have started earlier, that we invite queries and entertain complaints for the continuous improvements of the journal quality and for the entire satisfaction of the authors and readers.
We take minimum time (maximum two weeks) to solve the complaints of dissatisfaction.
Sometimes, if there is a complaint from some other author that the present author by its actions or statements, harming the intellectual copy rights, we make arrangement for the discussion of both the parties to discuss & make the matter clear.
Journal of Literature, Language & Culture (COES&RJ-JLLC)) sends 100% articles to crosscheck to eliminate even low percentage of plagiarism.
How to make a complaint
The complaints of the authors and readers should be sent to the chief editor as soon as possible on the email via; editor.jllc@centreofexcellence.net. You are also welcome to discuss about your complaint on the office number of the chief editor which is +1-281-407-7509.
To prepare and submit the paper for consideration please read DUTIES OF AUTHORS and Requirements to the manuscripts.
For your attention there is a video guidance for writing articles shooted by Dr. Roy G.C. Damary.
Before sending an article the author should:
- Do one's best to send an article with good level of English. Well-built articles with a good language usage will increase the possibility to fasten the review process that will let the reviewers and editors concentrate on the articles� academic value.
- Make sure that the paper is interesting for the academic circle, the newness and applicability are well described; the paper makes contribution to earlier researched results concerning appropriate topic.
- Make findings on the basis of reasoned results of the paper.
- Deem the available literature review.
- Stick to the requirements of the manuscript.
- Choose a journal for paper submission comparing aims and scope of the journal and paper.
- Submit the paper only into one journal.
- Arrange the paper according to the style of a chosen journal.
- Avoid using hyphenation in the text, make figures readable and editable, as well as tables� style.
- Use bold type, italics, inferior and superior signs where necessary.
- While preparing tables use net, for column balance use tabulation.
- In numeric values use dot instead of commas (in broken numbers).
- Submit the paper together with cover letter form.
Once a submission is made the Accountable Secretary will reply with an electronic message that acknowledges the receipt of the manuscript. This electronic message also indicates the manuscript number assigned. This number should be cited in all future correspondence.
The Editor will inform an author about the expected volume and issue of the journal where the paper could be published. This lets the authors feel comfortable regarding the reporting to their universities and plan their research activity effectively. We do it within three days after the paper submission.
To submit a paper, please send one copy in the form of MS Word file (format .doc or .docx) and completed Cover letter form attached to an e-mail to the Editor of the relevant journal:
By signing Cover letter form the author confirms that paper has not been submitted anywhere else and is not under consideration by any other journal and/or conference committee.
The author is responsible for all materials presented in the manuscript and confirms that any part of it doesn't contain plagiarism in all its forms.
Early desk rejection reasons:
Early desk rejection reasons:
- paper provides limited interest and tackles too local problem;
- paper uses well known methods;
- paper is badly structured and is not stylized according to the requirements (Publishing Process) of the articles;
- the newness of findings and its applicability are not clear, research motivation and literature review are absent, that does not let appreciate the applicability and usefulness of the work;
- article has poor English writing. Poor English style, grammar mistakes, spelling and stylistic usage may prolong the publication process or lead to desk rejection. In practice we hear from Editorial Board poor English does not let see the possible academic value of the article. It leads to editors� difficulties in finding reviewers for the article, that�s why the submitted articles should be in good English and be sure about it before paper submission. We propose our authors to consider language editor service usage possibilities, that will improve English level and article�s style. There are many translating bureaus, providing authors with editor�s services on competitive prices.
COES&RJ claims all researches submitted to the journals to be original. Authors must provide unique early unpublished paper for a chosen journal.
Authors' responsibility on plagiarism:
1. Self-plagiarism. Materials of earlier published own author�s researches may be used repeatedly if it leads to different or new findings and conclusions and to comparison with former outcomes. While doing so one needs to refer to early published works. In case some part of work was published earlier one needs to make all necessary links and references and provide all necessary information when submitting.
2. Authors should guarantee they have written totally new work and if they used work or part of work of other authors it should be cited in accordance and shown in the cover letter.
3. Authors should not publish papers describing one and the same research in more than one journal or in preprints (salami publications). Such behavior will be considered as unethical.
4. There always should be paper�s proper acknowledgement by other scientists. .
5. Authors are responsible for materials use allowance search (and payment) by the third side.
6. Authors are considered to be those who made a great contribution into concept, project, holding or interpreting the search. All those who have made considerable contributions must be listed as co-authors. Acknowledgement should be said to those who participated in definite significant aspects of scientific research works, or they may be listed as participants.
7. In case the author finds substantial error or drawback in one�s already published work, one should get in touch with the publisher or editor of the journal and cooperate with the editor correcting the mistake or recalling the paper.
The article, which authors are blamed in plagiarism, will be deleted from the site and all who uploaded it will see the reason of recall.
Test for plagiarism
The cases of suspicion in plagiarism (or double submission) are rarely limited to one journal or publisher. In case of finding such a fact the name of a wrongdoer will become known in scientific circles. To test for plagiarism COES&RJ uses plagiarisma program. The editorial board takes part in the process of testing for plagiarism under double blind review.
Peer review
After submission, each manuscript is checked for plagiarism, and assessed carefully to determine if it fits the aims and scope of the journal.
If journal representatives are enthusiastic about the work, the journal editor will appoint reviewers.
What does the peer reviewer do?
Reviewers help determine the validity, significance and originality of the work, and can suggest improvements to the manuscript and the research.
On their recommendation, editors will accept, accept with revisions, or reject a manuscript.
To make good judgments, peer reviewers use their own checklists to evaluate the content for scientific value and originality, to see that articles adhere to general scientific practice as well as the journal’s specific guidelines, and to check that you’ve referenced correctly. The peer reviewer will look closely at your methodology and the validity of your data, and consider your ethical approach.
Our Journal has an initial acceptance rate of less than 16%.
Type of Review: Double Blind Review
External Reviewers: 15
Internal Reviewers: 4
Time to Review: 3-8 weeks
Reviewer's comments: Yes
All papers are refereed by the international competent researchers using "double-blind" review which is the best practice in paper reviewing.
To provide �double-blind� review all information about authors of the article will be deleted before sending for review.
Peer review means evaluation of work by several scientists qualified in definite research field and with common scientific interests. Collegial survey methods are used for standard quality support, improved performance and trust assurance. In scientific circles peer review is used for understanding relevance of academic articles for publication.
As a publisher we take all reasonable steps to ensure the quality of the published papers. Editors' decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication are based only on the paper's importance, originality and clarity, and the study's relevance to the remit of the journal. For this reason all papers get through peer review process. All authors may appeal against Editorial decisions by dint response to the referees with authors' arguments and explanations. Editors accept resubmissions only when serious problems in paper are solved and paper is revised according to Referees' suggestions. In case of misconduct, conflicts of interest and plagiarism we follow the procedures stated in the COPE flowchart on complaints.
The reviewers' recommendations determine whether a paper will be accepted as it is, without any alteration / accepted with minor revision / rejected, but encouraged to re-write and re-submit / rejected without further consideration. If the author(s) are required to revise the paper we ask them to send us the revised version along with a separate file named Response to the Reviewers (disclosure of made revisions point by point). All authors can appeal against Editorial decisions by response to the referees with authors' arguments and explanations.
The period of reviewing is short to let authors have a fast feedback and revise their papers according to the reviewer comments. The process of reviewing is reasonable and takes about 1.5 month. In comparison with other journals, we do not impose extra fees on authors for the reviewing.
After the paper is typeset, the publisher will furnish the authors of accepted papers with proofs for the correction of printing errors. The proofs must be returned as soon as possible; the issue to which a paper is finally assigned depends in part on the date the corrected proofs are received from the author(s). The publisher is not responsible for the errors which are the result of authors' oversights.
1. Abstract preparation guidelines
1.1. The abstract (200-250 words) should reflect the conceptual content of the article. In the abstract the author should give a brief overview of research importance, describe the subject matter and the aim of research, its methodology as well as highlight the most significant results of research.
1.2. Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classifications that can be found at http://www.aeaweb.org/jel/jel_class_system.php, and a few key words about the manuscript are necessary.
1.3. Font - Times New Roman; text size - 12 pts, line-spacing - one-and-a-half.
2. The paper main body preparation guidelines
2.1. The paper should present the result of independent original research undertaken by the author; it should contain the data never published before.
2.2. The paper should contain a clear description of research objective and its subject.
2.3. The methodology of research should be described in detail.
2.4. The author personal scientific contribution must be grounded in the paper.
2.5. The paper should contain basic suggestions on how to solve the problem under study.
2.6. American English has been preferred to British English.
3. The structure of the paper
3.1. The title of the paper.
3.2. Below, in the centre of the page the name of the author should be printed. Reference to the author's name should be made at the bottom of the page with the footnote marked by asterisk ("*"). The reference should contain information about the author's degree, position and the place of work as well as contact details (phone number, job or/and personal e-mail).
3.3. Below, the text of the abstract should be printed.
3.4. After the abstract's keywords and JEL classifications should be printed.
3.5. Below the main body of the paper should be placed.
3.6. The main body of the paper should be followed by references.
3.7. References contain the list of literature referred to given in alphabetical order.
3.8. All figures and tables should be printed inside the papers' main body.
4. References in the text
4.1. References in the text are made as follows: (Myers, 2000) / (Myers, 2000; Edwards, 2010) / Barber, Odean and Zhu (2008) investigate...; the former being the name of the author, the latter - edition year.
4.2. Please make active the links to Internet sources, and stick to copyright, defining primary source of information.
4.3. Examples of references:
Alchian, A. and Woodward, S. (1987). Reflections on the Theory of the Firm, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 143, pp. 110-136.
Berle, A.A. and Means, G.C. (1932). The Modern Corporation and Private Property, New York: Macmillan, 418 ?.
Cremers, K. and Nair, V. (2005). Governance Mechanisms and Equity Prices, Journal of Finance, 60 (6), pp. 2859-2894.
5. Manuscript length
5.1. The paper should not be less than 2000 words and should not exceed 6000 words.
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Publisher: Centre of Excellence for Scientific & Research Journalism, COES&RJ LLC.
Frequency of Issues: Quarterly: 4 times a year
Launch Date: September 2012
Article Submission Fee: There is no article submission fee
Article Processing Fee: Yes, Euro150 per accepted article
Printed copy of the journals Fee: Euro25 per copy of the printed journal
Maximum length of an article: 15-20 pages, including graphs, annotations and references. Extra pages will be charged, seperately @ Euro$7 per page
Institutional Membership
-American Sociological Association
-Open Society Foundation
-Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI)
-The Publishers International Linking Association, Inc. (�PILA�), CROSSREF, USA
-Independent Books Publishers Associations (IBPA), USA
-American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), USA
-Society of American Archivists (SAA), Chicago, USA
-American Sociological Association, USA
-International Association for Social Science Information Services & Technology (IASSIST), USA
-International Sociological Association (ISA), Spain
-European Sociological Association (ESA) Paris, France
Publisher: Centre of Excellence for Scientific & Research Journalism
Legal Name: COES&RJ, LLC.
File #: 802039747
Federal Tax ID (EIN)#: 38-3940993
Registered office:
10685-B Hazelhurst Dr.# 16258, Houston, TX- 77043, USA
Phone: +1-281-407-7509
Fax: +1-281-754-4941
Email: editor.jllc@centreofexcellence.net
Website: http://centreofexcellence.net/index.php/jllc
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.