Impendent of the study of vocational education in vocational secondary schools in the city of Aqaba from the point of view of students
Vocational Education, Secondary Schools, AqabaAbstract
The study aims to explore the impendent of the study of vocational education in vocational secondary schools in the city of Aqaba from the point of view of students know how positive and an overview of the local community of the city of Aqaba.
This study is an exploratory, analytical study and follows the approach of collecting and analyzing data to draw conclusions. The researcher used the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, T-test and ANOVA test to measure the level of importance for the study questions.
The study targeted a sample of members of a community of (94) students Survey, distributed to the members of the sample, the study founded the gap between secondary technical and technological campus within the comprehensive reform processors in the context of the educational system, including the correction of both educational tracks through specific training for students.
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