Harmonizing music memories as a part of life story


  • Kimmo Lehtonen, Prof. Dr. Turku University, Finland
  • Antti Juvonen, Prof. Dr. School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education on the Savonlinna Campus, University of Eastern Finland
  • Heikki Ruismäki, Prof. Dr. Helsinki University in the Faculty of Behavioral Sciences in Helskinki, Finland


music education, musical memories, mental images, diary techniques, crystallizing experiences, psychic harmony, emancipation


When the meanings of music education are explored, the clear significance of music as a part of civilization and culture is often mentioned. Indeed, music also has a strong instrumental meaning as it offers harmonizing cultural experiences through the memories and imaginings that remain throughout life, reminding the listener of important interactions, people, and experiences. These experiences are interwoven in many ways with identity and its construction. Important music experiences follow everyone from childhood to old age. Songs from childhood can even have an impact on old people’s memories and strengthen their quality of life and feelings of coherence, especially if they are affected by dementia or other memory illnesses. This article is based on 217 stories that respondents wrote about music experiences connected to important experiences in life. The themes of the stories were handled through content analysis and they focus on changes in human life phases and the problems of growing up. These changes are characterized by smooth periods interspersed with traumatic periods where music has significantly helped in the processing of the life problems. From the music education point of view, the results stress the special meaning of experimental music listening as a promoter of pupils’ personality and emotional life.


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Author Biographies

Kimmo Lehtonen, Prof. Dr., Turku University, Finland

Kimmo Lehtonen is a Professor at Turku University in the Teacher Education Department, Finland

Antti Juvonen, Prof. Dr., School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education on the Savonlinna Campus, University of Eastern Finland

Professor at the University of Eastern Finland, in the Philosophical Faculty in the School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education on the Savonlinna Campus

Heikki Ruismäki, Prof. Dr., Helsinki University in the Faculty of Behavioral Sciences in Helskinki, Finland

Professor at Helsinki University in the Faculty of Behavioral Sciences in Helskinki, Finland


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How to Cite

Lehtonen, K., Juvonen, A., & Ruismäki, H. (2013). Harmonizing music memories as a part of life story. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 2(3), 167–185. Retrieved from https://centreofexcellence.net/index.php/JSS/article/view/jss.2013.


