Objection to legal conciliation rulings in accordance with the Jordanian Conciliation Courts Law No. 23 of 2017


  • Areen Mahjoub Khalefah AlZu’bi




Methods of appeal, objection, conciliation court law, conciliation legal rulings


Justice is of great value in that life is upright in it. Justice is the balance of life and the lawsuit that is the means to obtain the right, and since the lawsuit is the means to obtain the right, the judgment is the goal by which the rights and legal positions are established, since the judgment issued by the judge is a human act subject to error, so it is the right of the individual if He did not accept the ruling issued against him to object to it through appeal.

The legislator has specified two methods of appeal: Appeal by ordinary methods, which are appeals, objections, and unusual methods of appeal, which are cassation, objection by others, and retrial.

The appeal by objecting to the legal reconciliation rulings is one of the new methods, as there was no text that allows objection to the human rights reconciliation rulings, so I present this study to shed light on the legal provisions regulating the objection to the human rights reconciliation rulings according to the Magistrate Courts Law and related laws and to indicate the procedures and periods How to submit an appeal, the body to which it is submitted, and the body that has the right to object.


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Books and scientific studies

- Al-Munajjid fi Language and Media, Dar Al-Sharq Publications, Beirut, twenty-seventh edition, without year of publication.

- Al-Naqeeb, Atef, (2000) Principles of Criminal Trials, a comparative study, Sader Legal Publications, Beirut, Lebanon.

- Sakhri, Mustafa, (1998) Methods of Appealing Criminal Judgments, Dar Al-Thaqafa Publishing and Distribution Library.

- Abu Al-Wafa, Ahmed, (1990) Civil and Commercial Procedures Law, Ma’afiyat Al-Ma’arif, Alexandria.

- Najm, Muhammad, (2000) Code of Criminal Procedure, Dar Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution.

- Al-Zein, Muhammad Al-Mansif bin Al-Mukhtar (1981), the defendant’s objection to the absentee judgment, thesis for the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science in Tunis.

- Shoshari, Salah al-Din Muhammad (2022), Objection is a method of appealing legal settlement rulings, Ghassan Legal Library, first edition.

- Abu Al-Basal, Abdel-Nasser Musa, Theory of Judicial Rule in Sharia and Law, Dar Al-Nafais for Publishing and Distribution, Jordan.

- Al-Halabi, Muhammad (1996), The Mediator in Explanation of the Principles of Trials, Dar Al-Thaqafa for Publishing and Distribution.

- Al-Qudsi, Baraa (2013) The Principles of Criminal Trials, Part Two, Damascus University Publications

- Al-Tarawneh, Hassan (2017) Objection as a normal way of appealing to the penal verdict in the Jordanian penal legislation, Faculty of Law, University of Jordan

- Jaffal, Salih (2015) a study entitled "Objection as a method of ordinary appeal in penal provisions", published research. This study dealt with the issue of objection as a method of ordinary appeal in penal provisions

- Zuraiki, Youssef Nasri (2015), Methods of Appeal against Criminal Provisions, a master's thesis published at An-Najah National University

Laws and rulings of the Court of Cassation

- The Code of Criminal Procedure and its amendments No. 9 of 1961, issued in the Official Gazette No. 1539 on 3/16/1961

- Law No. 17 of 2001 on the formation of regular courts amended by Law No. 30 of 2017 Table attached to Court Fees Regulation No. 43 of 2005 amended by Regulation No. 108 of 2008

- Civil Procedure Code issued in Official Gazette No. 3545 dated 2/4/1988 on page 735

- Magistrate Courts Law No. (23) of 2017, issued in Official Gazette No. 5474 dated 1/8/2017 on page 4608, published on the Qararak website

- Labor Law No. 14 of 2019

- Decision of the Jordanian Court of Cassation in its legal capacity No. 355 of 2022 issued on 3/27/2022 published on the Qararak website

- Judgment No. 390 of 2022, Court of Cassation in its human rights capacity, issued on 3/14/2022, published on the Qararak website



How to Cite

AlZu’bi, A. M. K. (2019). Objection to legal conciliation rulings in accordance with the Jordanian Conciliation Courts Law No. 23 of 2017. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 8(4), 817.830. https://doi.org/10.25255/jss.2019.8.4.817.831