Impact of coaching on organizational learning and effectiveness
coaching, individual learning, organizational learning, organizational effectiveness, leadership, training & development, learning & development, human resources development.Abstract
Many organizations keep recruiting coaching professionals for human resources development purpose and adopt coaching as an essential approach to achieve business goals because training and development is not enough for this era. Coaching is a dialogue process between the coach and the client (coachee). Coach asks questions and make coachee to realize his blind spots, enhance his strength and discover possibilities. Thus, coaching is adopted in order to create organizational effectiveness. The aim of the research is to understand and examine the impact of coaching on organizational learning and organizational effectiveness. Adoption of coaching as learning & development purpose ables to generate individual learning in order to generate collective learning, ultimately results organizational learning. “4i framework: intuiting, interpreting, integrating and institutionalizing” is also researched. It demonstrated the linkage of organizational learning, combination of individual’s cognitive and behavioural operation. Personal learning lead Mentoring, Mentoring lead Career outcome is the proposed model. Qualitative research, focus group interview was conducted. Participants were the coaching service users who were working in different position from 4 different companies but in the same industry. The outcomes of the study indicate coaching as an effectiveness approach for both individual and organization development.
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