The influence of workplace condition and employee satisfaction on employee committee in South African Companies


  • Elizabeth Chinomona, Dr. Vaal University of Technology Faculty of Management Sciences Vanderbijlpark, South Africa
  • Tebogo Mofokeng Vaal University of Technology Faculty of Management Sciences Vanderbijlpark, South Africa


employee satisfaction and employee commitment, Workplace conditions, Behavioural decision making theory


Developing and maintaining a relationship with employees has become an imperative thing to do for businesses to be competitive in today’s dynamic environment. Workplace conditions tends to have either a positive or negative impact on employees’ behaviour and output. Satisfied employees are likely to be more productive and involved in organisational activities. Committed employees are more likely to facilitate the provision of superior service quality. Despite the increase in research focusing on workplace conditions on organisational performance, there seem to be lack of studies that have investigated the influence of workplace conditions and employee satisfaction on employee commitment in the business fraternity in South Africa. Examining the influence of workplace conditions and employee satisfaction on employee commitment will be valuable in proving useful insights for businesses on how to create strong relationships with employees in order to enhance loyalty, longevity and competitiveness in the business. Therefore, using a data set of 150 from lower level employees in the Gauteng Province of South Africa, this study examines these relationships. Smart PLS software for Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique was used to statistically analyse the measurement and structural models. The results indicated that there is a significant positive relationship between all the three hypotheses. The research paper discusses both academic and managerial implications of the results and future research directions are suggested.




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