Reviewing the Mediating Role of Quality Management Capabilities on the Effect of Information Technology on Organizational Performance


  • Laith Walid Fatafta Department of Business Management, School of Business, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
  • Shaker Habis Nawafleh AL Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan
  • Heba Eid Al Darwaish MBA/Accounting Graduate at School of Management and Finance, The University ofJordan-Aqaba Branch, Jordan


Anahtar Kelimeler:

Information technology- quality management capabilities- organizational performance


Information Technology (IT) is considered as an important element of any organization. Its effect on global business is becoming widely felt. Also, it is extremely argued that IT is rapidly becoming the most important factor in increasing organizational performance and productivity. Also, quality management is also one of the most important management philosophies directed towards improving organization performance. The purpose of this paper is to reviewing the literature regarding the mediating role ofquality management capabilities on the effect of information technology on organizational performance


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