Application of Information and Communication Technology in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry in Hong Kong senario


  • Wing Wang LAU International Academy of Management Wanchai, Hong Kong
  • Fleming Woo, Dr. International Academy of Management Wanchai, Hong Kong

Anahtar Kelimeler:

ICT adoption- Construction Industry- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)


Since we are living in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) era, the use of ICT has been widely penetrated into our workplaces and daily lives. Organizations from different industry have been investing in ICT for the purpose of improving productivity and efficiency. There is growing demand for ICT in the AEC industry in Hong Kong. However, the usage of ICT in the AEC industry has been slow until recent years. Also the impact of applying ICT on AEC industry in Hong Kong has not been documented. The objective of this paper is to examine and document the current adoption of ICT and the trends of ICT development in AEC to provide a clearer insight of current usage of ICT in the industry by reviewing literatures and journals; and by questionnaire surveys. The conclusions of this study can assist stakeholders involved with the ICT adoption process in the industry including managers, service providers, consultants and end-users


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