Intercultural Business Communication: An Analysis of Ethnocentrism in a Globalized Business Environment


  • Melvin C. Washington, Dr. Howard University School of Business, USA

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Ethnocentrism- Globalization- Intercultural Business Communication


Twenty-first century organizations, rather small, medium, or large are increasingly finding themselves competing in global rather than local markets. This paper explores the current literature on the increasing global influence of ethnocentrism and its affect on international business communication. It also provides a model for overcoming ethnocentrism in a multicultural business environment. The goal of the paper is to provide practitioners with a realistic approach for overcoming ethnocentrism in a multicultural workplace.  


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Yazar Biyografisi

Melvin C. Washington, Dr., Howard University School of Business, USA

Melvin C. Washington, PhD is an assistant professor of business and management communication at Howard University. He is the core course coordinator for the business communication program in the School of Business. His research focuses on intercultural communication, organizational communication, and critical pedagogy. Address correspondence to Melvin C. Washington, Howard University School of Business, 2600 6th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20059


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