An evaluation of the determinants of brand equity in fast food business in Hong Kong


  • MAK Yee Mei International Academy of Management, Hong Kong
  • Margaret Margaret International Academy of Management, Hong Kong


Brand Trust, Perceived Quality, Perceived Value, Brand Association, Brand Awareness, Brand Equity


This study aims to identify and investigate the factors that influence brand equity in the fast food business in Hong Kong.  The study will adopt Aaker's Brand Equity Model (1991) to facilitate the understanding on the relationships between the determinants and brand equity, five determinants including (1) brand awareness, (2) brand association, (3) perceived value, (4) perceived quality and (5) brand trust are used for the hypotheses testing. 


                This study was conducted by using quantitative research methodology (Welman and Kruger, 2011; Creswell, 2003) to collect appropriate data for evaluation and analysis of the findings.  Surveys were conducted to collect data from customers directly.  Questionnaires were distributed to the customers and a total of 113 valid responses were received from respondents for investigating the key determinants that influencing brand equity.


                Through this research, it is expected that we can identify the key determinant of brand attributes that has direct impact on brand equity in the fast food business context.  The proposed model can facilitate the marketers to establish an efficient brand building and sustaining mechanism, to implement effective customer-focused marketing strategies and to develop a framework to integrate brand equity with the stakeholders' relationship.


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