Organizational Justice and its Relationship with the Subordinates’ Performance and Trust in their Leaders: A Theoretical Study


  • Faleh Salamah Al-Louzi



Organizational Justice, Subordinates’ Performance, Trust in Leaders


The educational administrative leader, like any other administrator, will not be able to achieve success in his work and achieve the goals of his organization, unless he is committed to the principles of management known, first and foremost dealing with subordinates and employees on the basis of justice and equality. All the administrative schools have stressed the exception of this administrative principle, which took its way in the educational literature and administrative under the name of organizational justice. The present study aims to review the theoretical and educational literature on organizational justice, job performance, and trust in leaders.


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Biografia do Autor

Faleh Salamah Al-Louzi

Part-time Leacturer, Specialist in Educational Sciences, Amman, Jordan


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