Critical success factors for e-learning satisfaction, Jordanian Universities’ experience


  • MOHAMMAD Khasawneh, Dr. The World Islamic Sciences and Education University (WISE), JORDAN
  • Ahmad Bani Yaseen, Dr. The World Islamic Sciences and Education University (WISE), JORDAN



Jordan, universities, satisfaction, E-Learning


Modern institution plays crucial role in motivated towards a competitive age. A university must improve and develop their teaching and learning process related to the new innovations of educational technologies. The Hashemite Kingdome of Jordan, as one of the developing countries, focuses on higher education sector as one of the most influential sectors to develop social, economic, and human growth in the country. However, the King, the government, and the leadership of higher education institutions in Jordan face many challenges to enhance the quality of the output in universities and to sustain the scientific research. Sadly, there are lack of studies and programs that measure the satisfaction of using e-learning to improve the educational process in Jordanian universities from managerial perspective. The main purpose of this study is to examine and measure the satisfaction factors by employed Information System Success Model (ISSM) related to the usage and sustain use of e-learning in Jordanian public universities. A self-administered survey was conducted on 117of academics selected as deans of faculties, academic departments’ chairs, and managers of computer and e-learning centers. About 100 participants (85%) have responded. The results show that perceived usefulness, management support,self-efficacy, technical support, and training have a significant relationship with the satisfaction of the usage of e-learning system. On the other hand, the study grants a good indicator to the higher education leaderships about the quality of used e-learning in the Jordanian public universities.


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