The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Enhancing Firm Performance: The Mediating Effect of Transformational Leadership


  • Bader Obeidat, Dr. University of Jordan
  • Forat Hasan Alkhalafat University of Jordan
  • Nisrin Amira Abdallah Makahleh An Independent Researcher, Amman, Jordan
  • Mohammed Ali Akour A’Sharqiyah University, Ibra, Oman


Parole chiave:

Corporate social responsibility, transformational leadership, firm performance


In today’s volatile and continually changing business environment, firms strive to improve their performance and reinforce their position in a business environment. However, this improvement cannot be done easily. In other words, the strength and the interconnectedness among the environmental forces hinder the firms’ ability to take appropriate steps to achieve better performance. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature and the associations among corporate social responsibility, transformational leadership, and firm performance.


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