The Effect of Internal Corporate Social Responsibility on Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Study on Jordanian Pharmaceutical Companies


  • Sura Altheeb Department of Business Management, School of Business, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
  • Kholoud Sudqi Al-Louzi Department of Public Administration, School of Business, The University of Jordan, Jordan


Kata Kunci:

Internal corporate social responsibility, employee job satisfaction, pharmaceutical industry, Jordan


The current research investigates the impact of internal corporate social responsibility on job satisfaction in Jordanian pharmaceutical companies. Quantitative research design and regression analysis were applied on a total of 302 valid returns that were obtained in a questionnaire based survey from 14 pharmaceutical companies among employees, supervisors and managers. The results showed that internal corporate social responsibility was significantly related to job satisfaction and three of its dimensions, namely working conditions, work life balance and empowerment contributed significantly to job satisfaction, whereas employment stability and skills development had no contribution. This study implies that Jordanian pharmaceutical companies have to try their best to promote and facilitate internal corporate social responsibility among their employees in an effort to improve their job satisfaction, which will eventually yield positive results for the company as a whole. In light of these results, the research presented many recommendations for future research; the most important ones were the application of this study in other sectors, cultures, and countries, and using of multi method for collecting data.


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