Financial Advisers’ Attitude and Readiness of Advising Socially Responsible Investing


  • K. L. LAM Inernational Academy of Management, Hong Kong
  • Kenny J.M LUO City University of Macau, Macao

Palabras clave:

Readiness of Advising, Financial Adviser, Socially Responsible Investment


This paper explored the factors affecting financial advisers’ readiness of advising socially responsible investment. Based on the literature, the investment decision making process is identified. However, very limited literature discussed how the attributes and attitude of financial advisers (planners or consultants) affect the inclination of the advisers’ to provide suggestion on socially responsible investment. A conceptual model is developed for the understanding of how financial advisers’ concerns about environmental and social issues affect their readiness and hence may influence investors. A focus group comprise 6 experienced financial planners were organized to brainstorm the factors that affect their advice to clients. The Readiness to advise SRI is measured by knowledge , attitude, motivation and profile in this study. The self-perceived readiness of advising may also be generalized into other regime of financial planning and consultation on other products or services.


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