International Organizations and Operations: An Analysis of Cross-Cultural Communication Effectiveness and Management Orientation


  • Ephraim Okoro, Dr. Howard University School of Business, USA

Palabras clave:

International Organizations, Cross-Cultural Communication, Intercultural Negotiation, Multinational Skills, Globalization, Global Economy


The global environment of business has become exceedingly complex as more and more corporations and private entrepreneurs compete to expand their market-share and differentiate their brands in the world marketplace. Globalization has increased consumer awareness, created new demands and standards, and made nations more interdependent.  It is now imperative that businesses in different countries increase their sensitivity and respect for one another’s cultural differences in order to benefit from the growth of international business in the twenty- first century. Studies indicate that effective cross-cultural management, communication, and negotiations should be emphasized by high-growth multinational corporations competing for global expansion.  Corporations that have embraced appropriate acculturation strategies, employed effective cultural awareness model, and avoided ethnocentric management style in their expansion and growth efforts have been successful.  Other studies identified the major causes of the demise of global business ventures, citing their managers’ lack of intercultural skills, failure to engage in cross-cultural exchange, inability to communicate effectively in the global marketplace, unacceptable practice of business ethics and etiquette, and absence of compromise agreement. Global managers should establish cross-cultural training in their facilities in order to increase effectiveness across cultures, become efficient cross-cultural negotiators, and sensitize to the values of counterparts. This study provides an analytical framework and recommendations for adaptation of multinational management strategies for sustainable business competitiveness in the current wake of global economy.


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Biografía del autor/a

Ephraim Okoro, Dr., Howard University School of Business, USA

Ephraim Okoro, PhD is an assistant professor of business communication and marketing at Howard University School of Business.  His research interests probe the interface between intercultural communication and workforce diversity in the context of globalization.  He teaches management communication, strategic communication, business communication, marketing communication, and the principles of marketing. Address correspondence to Dr. Ephraim Okoro, Department of Marketing, School of Business, Howard University, 2600 – Sixth Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20059. 


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