
  • Imran Aslan, Dr. Bingöl University, Healthcare Faculty, Numerical Science, 1200, Bingöl-Turkey


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Bingöl، Banking Performance Criteria، Life Quality، Job Satisfaction


Job satisfaction, performance and quality of life have strong effects on each other. Happy workers are to perform higher productivity and have less stress in their daily life.Two different studies in 2016 were applied to banks in Bingol city/Turkey to learn the level of job satisfaction,performancecriteria and life quality of workers. 42 surveys were applied to determine job satisfaction and expectations and evaluation ofperformance criteria factors. Second survey were applied 19 workers to learn the life quality of workers. Descriptive statistics (means and frequency methods), t-test and Kruskal Wallis methods are applied to analyze data. The average age of staffs is in young period with 2500-3500 TL(₺) average salary and they have 3-8 years bank experience mainly. High salary and job security are the main expectations of workers. Talking freely and discussing issues with 9.19 mean is found to be the most important item with managers according priority of workers as a part of job satisfaction. The physical working conditions and other opportunitiesoffered by the bank and wages are the worst items with lowest scores. Younger workers thinks that they get more feedback about their work while older people getting not enough feedbacks. About 15.8% of them see themselves in a kind of depression and just 36.8% of them are happy according to second survey.Complying with working hours, well-suited appearance and relationships with managers are most effective factors for performance.


بيانات التنزيل غير متوفرة بعد.


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