Management Information System using Blockchain Technology in an E-commerce Enterprise: A Systematic Review
MIS, management information system, block chain technology, e-commerceAbstract
Information technology over the last two decades has been discerned as an emerging technology by affecting our personal, social, and public life. Thereby, the technology has made a notable impact on the quality of life. Management Information System collects data from various online systems, thus, analyzing the information, and further reporting the data to aid in management decision making. This study primarily explores and highlights the management information system using blockchain technology in an e-commerce enterprise. The paper thereby presents a systematic review based on several studies in the literature. A systematic review of management and business process journals is performed using the keywords related to the topic. Thereby, the study finds that MIS using the blockchain technology is easily acceptable in an e-commerce. Various advantages associated with the MIS are compiled from related studies in the literature. The results obtained from the assessment are gathered in an organized way and subsequently concluded in order to understand the principle functioning of the management information system using blockchain technology in an e-commerce enterprise.
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