Evaluating Enterprise Resource Planning: A Study on Aqaba Water Corporation


  • Dima Mostafa Al-Hajaya A Graduate Student, Department of Business Management, School of Business, The University of Jordan, Aqaba-Jordan
  • Halla Adel Al-Quhafi A Graduate Student, Department of Business Management, School of Business, The University of Jordan, Aqaba-Jordan
  • Ala’a Al-Shanawany A Graduate Student, Department of Business Management, School of Business, The University of Jordan, Aqaba-Jordan
  • Ra’ed Masa’deh, Prof. Dr. School of Business, The University of Jordan, Jordan http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9070-3732



Anahtar Kelimeler:

ERP- Enterprise Resource Planning- End Users, Perceived Usefulness- Perceived Ease of Use- Behavioral Intention- Training, System Quality- Management support- User Satisfaction


Purpose - This paper aims to investigate the factors affecting Enterprise Resource Planning Systems implementation and Performance through measuring employee’s satisfaction as they are End users of this system at Aqaba Water Company.

Methodology-The paper represents a case study based on qualitative and quantitative data, where interviews with three of the Company’s managers were made and a survey with a Likert 5-points scale was distributed to all Company members.

Findings - ERP Systems implementation have significant effects on the employee satisfaction and performance of Aqaba Water Company. Moreover, along with Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Behavioral Intention, Training, System Quality, Management support, and User Satisfaction variables have important factors that affect the success of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems implementation, the study found that all the previous mentioned variables are very important in achieving  satisfied users especially having a high Quality System as in Aqaba Water Co., at the end system users were found satisfied with the system as it was easy to use , useful for their work, they were supported by their managers to use it, had on job training, and all that made them willing to use the system in their daily work as well as the future.

Practical implications - This research has implications for organizations that aim to assess and predict the adoption and user satisfaction of their ERP systems.


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