Journal of Current Topics in Healthcare Management (COES&RJ-JHM) 2018-06-23T14:55:42+00:00 Dr. Imran Aslan Open Journal Systems <p>ISSN(E): 0000-0000<br>ISSN(P): 0000-0000</p> Maternal and Perinatal Outcome of Primiparous Teenagers in Southeast of Turkey 2018-06-23T14:41:29+00:00 Fatma ŞİRİN-GÜL Filiz OKUMUŞ <p>Pregnancy and birth cause severe medical, nutritional, social, and economic risks for adolescent mothers and infants. Adolescent pregnancies are associated with negative maternal and perinatal outcomes. This retrospective study was conducted with teenage singleton primiparous women who gave birth between June and November 2014. Data were collected by using face-to-face interview technique. Teenage mothers were similar to non-teen mothers in terms of preeclampsia, preterm delivery, PROM, polyhydramnios, placenta previa, placental abruption, IUGR, fetal distress, caesarean section, LBW, stillbirth, physiologic jaundice. Teenage mothers are more advantageous in terms of olygohydramnios, blood incompatibility, postpartum hemorrhage, and congenital anomalies. We could not contact with adolescent mothers younger than 15 year-old. It is possible that these women cannot be admitted to the hospital because marriage before the age of 17 is forbidden in Turkey. Further society-based studies should be conducted on adolescent mothers younger than 15 year-old.</p> 2018-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Applying KDQOL™-36 Form to CKD Patients 2018-06-23T14:44:51+00:00 Imran Aslan <p>Treatments of Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD) are analyzed in Bingöl city and at regional level. CKD is a major problem in Bingöl and Turkey. Increasing numbers of CKDs cause dissatisfaction and extra load on healthcare staffs and families in Bingöl city. Two main hospitals in Bingöl giving dialysis services are controlled and responsible staffs were interview. Later, two surveys with 96 and 78 respondents at different times in 2015 were carried out of 160 patients.&nbsp; Having a high health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is an important performance indicator for dialysis centers at the treatment of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). KDQOL™-36 Scoring Program (v 2.0) and SPSS 20 versions are used to find the life quality of patients and compare respondents according to education, gender and hospital by One-way ANOVA test. Just&nbsp; Hemodiyalisis (HD)&nbsp; treatment is suggested at&nbsp; Bingöl city center and life qualities of private hospital patients were found better than government hospital when both surveys are compared. Symptom/problem list with 50.84 ± 18.40;&nbsp; Effects of kidney disease&nbsp; with 49.29± 20.85; and Burden of kidney disease with&nbsp; 21.55 ± 22.63 values have been found from first survey of 96 CKD patients in Bingöl city in 2015.&nbsp; The burden and effects of CKD are found the most effective factors on life quality of patients.</p> 2018-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Redecision therapy case study: Case presentation & counseling issues 2018-06-23T14:49:06+00:00 Siti Nurhanah Mohd Amin <p>Huda is a 34-year old Malay Singaporean divorcee who has been married for 6 years with two children. During her first counselling session, she displayed two presenting problems. She showed signs of burnout from her busy and stressful life and dissatisfaction. In addition to her personal life at home, she was feeling guilty of not able to protect her children from her strict mother who is the main care giver while she is at work. She began to struggle with the fact that she felt that she is not able to raise her children in a more nurturing environment as she is very protective towards her children well-being, in terms of meeting their psychological needs when it comes to unnecessary verbal lashing. She felt more upset when her family members and siblings would often her for not being aggressive enough to discipline her children. Huda shared that when she was young; she was often labeled as rebellious child. Her mother was highly critical of her and would hit her if her academic performances were not as good as her other siblings. As a young child, she grew up believing that she could never do things right and she is weak.</p> 2018-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Theoretical integrative paper : A real life adjusting 2018-06-23T14:55:42+00:00 Siti Nurhanah Mohd Amin <p>Corey (2005) believes that no one theory possesses all the truth, and he advocates counselors to remain open and to establish a frame of reference for counseling that is conforming with the counselors’ own personality and their belief system. This paper shall examine the possible incorporation of the three theories that the writer has studied: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Constructive Psychotherapy and Re-decision Psychotherapy into her own personal integrative framework for counseling. The rationale for incorporating these chosen theoretical concepts shall be discussed as to how and why they would be beneficial for working with clients. It is found that problems lived in earlier life, surrounding environments like family members, expectations and not meeting own desires are main problems psychological disorders while sharing these disorders can help to overcome the problems and understand other people more effectively.</p> 2018-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##