The Impact of Supply Chains Management on Organization's Performance during the Corona Virus Pandemic in Safeway Chain Centers Located in Amman/Jordan
Supply Chains Management, Organizational Performance, Safeway Centers, Corona Virus Pandemic, JordanAbstract
This study aimed to identify the impact of supply chains management on the organization’s performance during the Corona virus pandemic; more precisely in Safeway Centers located in Amman/Jordan. The analytical descriptive approach was used, and based on collecting 45 questionnaires out of 50 from managers and head of departments, the results showed that while the relationship with customers and sharing information impacted the performance of Safeway centers, both of relationship with suppliers and relationship with distributors did not. Also, the study revealed that there are no statistically significant differences in the performance of supply chains with its dimensions among Safeway centers attributed to demographic factors (gender, job title, experience, educational qualification, age of the facility and the number of employees); whereas statistically significant differences found regarding the age factor for the category of 30-less than 40 years old. The study made many recommendations, especially carrying out future studies on other organizations and other variables to enhance supply chains management.
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