Peer counseling in perspective of Pesantren


  • Yuliati Hotifah State University of Malang, Jalan Semarang, East Java, Indonesia



peer counselling, boarding school, pesantren, character building


This study reports development of peer-counselling on the basis of Islamic boarding school (the-so called pesantren) system.  This study used Research & Development design, assigning santris in three pesantrens in East Java: Arekan in Banyuwangi, the Borders in Pasuruan, and Mataraman in Blitar.  The study was conducted in two phases: development of training modules and training guides. Data were collected using questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation.  The study revealed: (1) Problems faced by santri are: individual, other, environment, individual-environment, individual-other, environment-other, environment-individual-other. (2)  Santri in the age range of adolescents are in a phase of self-searching that is full of hardships and problems. (3) Problems in adherence to activities in pesantren include issues private life, social, learning and ability in adaptability of  life pattern of pesantren.


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How to Cite

Hotifah, Y. (2017). Peer counseling in perspective of Pesantren. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 6(2), 291–299.


