Self-efficacy of Androgynous and Sex-typed Employed and Unemployed Women


  • Sangeeta Rath, Dr. Utkal University, India
  • Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar
  • Odisha Odisha
  • Aakankshya Mishra


Gender-role perception, employment status, Androgynous, self-efficacy


The effect of gender-role perception and employment status on the self-efficacy of women is examined. The study adopted a 2 (androgynous and sex-typed) X 2 (employed and unemployed) factorial design. One hundred and twenty women participated in the study. The sample consists of 60 employed and 60 unemployed women. Both the groups of employed and unemployed women are categorized into androgynous and sex-typed on the basis of the median split of their scores on the measure of androgyny. The respondents of all the four groups are compared with respect to their level of perceived self-efficacy. The results indicate that androgynous women show better sense of efficacy compared to sex-typed women. The results further indicate that employed women have better sense of self-efficacy than unemployed women. 


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Author Biography

Sangeeta Rath, Dr., Utkal University, India

Reader in Psychology

Utkal University, India


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How to Cite

Rath, S., Bhubaneswar, B., Odisha, O., & Mishra, A. (2013). Self-efficacy of Androgynous and Sex-typed Employed and Unemployed Women. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&Amp;RJ-JSS), 2(3), 139–145. Retrieved from


