Journal of Social Sciences

Journal of Social Sciences

ISSN (E): 2305-9249
ISSN (P): 2305-9494

Volume 4, No.4, October 2015 Issue

The impact of workshops teaching holy Quran on the personal aspects of Saudi children according to the perspective of supervisors and parents
Dr. Saddam Rateb Darawsheh

pp 1006-1031


This study aimed to "reveal the impact of memorizing the holy Quran on the aspects of the child's personality of the Saudi point of view of supervisors and parents". To achieve this goal, the researchers answered the questions of the study and used the descriptive approach to reach results, the researchers followed this approach through the use of a key instrument: questionnaire, which included five areas: mental, religious, social, educational, linguistic, and reached the total of paragraphs (28), and considered (76) centers teaching the holy Quran in Riyadh, and the number of supervisors on those centers were (76) administrators. The researchers selected a random sample of the study, and distributed (100) questionnaires, (50) questionnaire was distributed to the supervisors of those administrators, and (50) questionnaire was distributed to parents of children in those centers as well, and the returned questionnaires were (70) questionnaire which a total of (70%), and in order to verify the validity and reliability of the study, the researchers introduced the study tool and sent it to (12) arbitrator from the administrators experience, as has been extracted stability through Pearson where it reached (88%), and analyzed the data statistically by using statistical packages (SPSS) and was extracted averages and deviations standard and grade level for the first question, and analysis of variance to answer the second and third questions of the study, and used Scheffe test for comparisons to find differences between the responses of the study due to the age and educational level, the study concluded the following results:

1. That there was no statistical significant differences at the level of significance (0.05 =?) for the answers of the study due to two experimental and control groups according to the mental field, with value (v) calculated (- 2.85), and the level of significance (0.07), and the existence of difference statistically significant at the (0.05 =?) in the areas of "religious, social, educational, and linguistic". 2. There are differences between the virtual averages, for the answers of the study due to the variable age level, and was the overall degree of the areas of arithmetic average (4.19) and standard deviation (0.51). Given the presence of the statistical significant differences between the averages in the mental field, the religious sphere, the educational field, and the linguistic area, Scheffe test has been applied to determine the ownership of the differences. 3. There are differences apparent between the averages for the answers of the study due to the variable of educational level, and the existence of statistical significant differences between the averages for the answers at the level of significance (0.05 =?), thus Scheffe test has been applied to determine the ownership of the differences.

Holy Quran, Personality of Saudi Arabia Students, KSA Supervisors and Parents

Darawsheh, Dr. Saddam Rateb (2015); The impact of workshops teaching holy Quran on the personal aspects of Saudi children according to the perspective of supervisors and parents Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), Vol.4, No.4, pp: 1006-1031;

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Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS) Volume 4, No. 4, October 2015 ISSN (E): 2305-9249 ISSN (P): 2305-9494
Copyright © Centre of Excellence for Scientific & Research Journalism
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